Sunday, November 25, 2012

the truth

What I am about to write is something that i have not yet shared with the world.  I don't like going to church.  There,I said it.  It's not like I don't believe in God or anything,it's just that it is in the morning(my grump hour).  I am worried about my home work due the next day,and I don't like sitting still...
   Soo each day I try to worship God in any way I can throughout the day.   

Christmas time

Its christmas time.  we have the that TEMPORARY good mood.  that time when you are excited and life is a glass of milk and cookies.  Then there is the moment when you remember that there is still a month till christmas, you have to go to school/work the next day,and you have to get up early the next morning.  That is when your world is shattered,the family suddenly seems too rowdy,the eggnog tastes sour, and you feel annoyed.  Finally ( for me) the tears come nearer and you start to feel like you need to have something exciting to do or else you will explode at your family.  that is not really the time you feel the most generous.  When that moment comes just go into your room and and just say a quick prayer and ask god to give you strength to count your blessings, not your sorrows or how things arent going your way.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Please pray

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Goodnight.god loves you. 

From a humble preteen. 

Day with my friendS

Yesterday I went to a botanical garden for a 13 year old. She was a close friend I have known since the day I was born.  When I got there and saw her my stomach twisted,I couldn't swallow and tears sprang to my eyes. There she was,my thirteen year old friend was two years older than me. That night I talked to her and she told me that no matter how old I am she will always be my friend. That is kind of  how God is with us. Even though he is thousands of years old and knows the secrets of the universe he always has time. For us.

Happy bday friend.